=== AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter === Contributors: alphaomegaplugins Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=5YMUQTV2LVAW6&item_name=AlphaOmega-Captcha-Anti-Spam-Filter--Wordpress--Plugin Tags: captcha, plugins, spam, anti-spam, filter, security, attacks, comments, admin, log in, plugin, キャプチャ, akismet, login, junk mail, alphaomega, スパム, multilanguage, multi-language, 日本語, Ελληνικά, 한국어, 中文, block, block spam, 迷惑メール, wordpress Requires at least: 3.4.1 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Provides Visually Appealing Captchas to Enhance and Secure your WordPress Comment Forms and Admin Log-In. Fortified with Anti-Spam Filter Protection. == Description == The **AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter** plugin is an effective and simple-to-use WordPress plugin that blocks spam and filters posted user **Comments** for inappropriate content. This plugin can also thwart automated attacks against your **Admin Log In** area. Furthermore, the plugin can be employed flawlessly with Akismet to provide enhanced security features. Several **Captcha Types** are available, including: * **Captcha Classica** * **Captcha Mathematica** * **Captcha Artistica** * **Captcha Cinematica** * **Captcha Literacha** * **Captcha Scientifica** * **Captcha Historica** * **Captcha Acronymica** * **Captcha Musica** * **Captcha Geographica** * **Captcha Numerica** * **Captcha Sportica** * **Captcha Directa** * **Captcha Fashionica** * **Captcha Economica** * **Captcha Gastronomica** * **Captcha Medica** * **Captcha Ecologica** * **Captcha Televisica** Additionally, when the **Anti-Spam Filter** of the plugin is active, **all spam-related Comments and E-mails are blocked, and are not sent to you**. This saves you time by automatically stopping these annoying spam Comments and E-mails from cluttering your Wordpress installation. You can create your own **Custom Anti-Spam Filter List** to block all spam Comments from being sent to you. Enter as many spam-related keywords or phrases as you like. This gives you complete control over which Comments are blocked. Furthermore, you have the option of filtering any or all of the **Comment Form** elements for spam, including **Name**, **E-mail**, **URL**, and **Comment**/**Message**. **Features:** * Captcha functionality can be placed on your WordPress **Comment Form** and WordPress **Admin Log In** area. * Customizable **Anti-Spam Filter** allows you to completely block spam-related Comments. * Multiple captcha positions are possible on your WordPress **Comment Form**. * Captcha images are clean, legible, visually appealing and interesting, thus enhancing the look of your WordPress posts. * A variety of captcha images are available for use, including: **Captcha Classica** - A classic captcha that requires the user to enter various alphabetical and numerical characters. **Captcha Mathematica** - A variation of the conventional captcha that requires the user to perform a simple mathematical task. **Captcha Artistica** - A creative captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the artist who created the work shown in the captcha. **Captcha Cinematica** - A variant of the customary captcha that requires the user to enter the title of a well-known film. **Captcha Literacha** - A prosaic form of the traditional captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the writer responsible for the work shown in the captcha. **Captcha Scientifica** - A mutation of the ubiquitous captcha that requires the user to enter an answer to a scientific question or quiz. **Captcha Historica** An alteration of the familiar captcha that requires the user to enter the name of a famous historical figure. **Captcha Acronymica** - An instantiation of a captcha that requires the user to enter the words represented by a common acronym. **Captcha Musica** - A harmonious captcha that requires the user to enter the musical term or instrument shown in the captcha. **Captcha Geographica** - A modification of the traditional captcha that requires the user to enter the name of a capital city or geographical place. **Captcha Numerica** - A unified rendering of an abstract captcha that requires the user to enter the number or numerical idea forming the basis of the word shown in the captcha. **Captcha Sportica** - A winning captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the sport practiced by the individual shown in the captcha. **Captcha Directa** - The debut of a unique captcha genre that requires the user to enter the name of the film director responsible for the film shown in the captcha. **Captcha Fashionica** - A stylish captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the fashion term or item depicted in the captcha. **Captcha Economica** - A foreign exchange captcha that requires the user to name the country associated with the currency shown in the captcha. **Captcha Gastronomica** - A delectable captcha that requires the user to name the country of origin of the food item shown in the captcha. **Captcha Medica** - A healthy and informative captcha that requires the user to enter the medical word or term shown in the captcha. **Captcha Ecologica** - A geo-friendly and sustainable captcha that requires the user to enter the ecological word or term shown in the captcha. **Captcha Televisica** - A captcha for couch potatoes that requires the user to enter the name of the well-known TV program shown in the captcha. These captcha functions not only provide your WordPress posts with enhanced security, but have been thoughtfully designed to increase the overall appeal of your content to those viewing your posts. Requirements: * Tested with WordPress 3.4.1 ~ 3.4.2 * Tested with a variety of WordPress Themes available from the WordPress Themes Repository, including: - Annotum Base - Asokay - Black with Orange - Buttercream - Easel - Esquire - Hatch - Hero - Lagom - Montezuma - my depressive - News - PageLines - Pinboard - Responsive - Skylark - Sliding Door - Suffusion - Toolbox - Twenty Eleven - Twenty Ten - zBench - and many more ... == Installation == 1. Install automatically by first clicking the WordPress 'Plugins' > 'Add New' menu item. The 'Plugins' and 'Add New' menu items are located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard. Then type 'AlphaOmega Captcha Anti-Spam Filter' as a search, and select to install the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin. Alternatively, you can manually download the 'alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam.zip' file from the WordPress [AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam/) site. Unpack the downloaded zip file, and install the plugin manually by uploading the 'alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam' folder into your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the plugin by clicking the WordPress 'Plugins' menu item (located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard), and then clicking the 'Activate' link located below the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter' item. 3. Installing Upgrades: To upgrade from versions 1.0 ~ 1.4, you must first 'Deactivate' and then 'Delete' your current plugin prior to installing the latest version as described above in Step 1. For other versions, when you receive automatic notification by WordPress of an upgrade, select to install the upgrade when prompted. == Configuration / Settings == To configure the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin, click the 'Settings' item located beneath the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter' plugin name in your list of plugins. Alternatively, click the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter Settings' item located below the WordPress 'Plugins' menu item. The 'Plugins' menu item is located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard. == Multilanguage Support == The AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin provides support in a variety of languages, including: * English * Japanese * Greek * Korean * Chinese == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is this plugin free? = Absolutely. You are free to use this plugin on your WordPress site. If, however, you find that this plugin helps to block your Comment Form spam and enhances the look and appeal of your WordPress posts, then I would appreciate it very much if you would consider providing a small donation to help support the continued development of this plugin. Any donation amount will be humbly appreciated. Thank you. = How can I donate? = Once you have installed the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin, you can donate by visiting the donate link located at the top of the plugin Settings panel. To view the plugin Settings panel, click the 'Settings' link located beneath the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter' item in the list of currently installed plugins, or click the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter Settings' link located below the WordPress 'Plugins' menu item on the left column of your Wordpress Dashboard. Alternatively, you may wish to [donate here](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=5YMUQTV2LVAW6&item_name=AlphaOmega-Captcha-Anti-Spam-Filter--WordPress--Plugin) Thank you for your kind support. = How do I know if my WordPress Theme is compatible with the plugin? = The plugin has been tested with a variety of standard Themes available from the WordPress Themes Repository, some of which are listed on the 'Description' tabsheet of the WordPress [AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam/) site. Themes that have been modified in any way or that differ from the standard Theme provided by WordPress may not necessarily be compatible and are not supported. Themes provided by third-party sources are not supported. Hence, the use of standard unmodified WordPress Themes is recommended. The best way to determine compatibility is to install the plugin and try it. Most Themes should display the captcha on a single line, while others may display the captcha on two separate lines. This will depend on the particular Theme being used. = I'm using an early version of WordPress. Will the plugin work with WordPress versions before 3.4.1? = The plugin should operate flawlessly with most earlier WordPress versions, although I recommend you upgrade to the most recent WordPress version to take advantage of the latest WordPress security and operational features. = Can I use the plugin with Akismet? = Yes. The AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin provides enhanced pre-screening of user-posted comments by employing a combination of customizable captchas and Spam Filter protection. You also have the option of employing either the captcha functionality alone or the Spam Filter alone. Regardless of your choice, the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin can be used with Akismet to give you added security. = How can I file a bug or give feedback? = To file a bug or provide me with feedback, please [click here](http://alphaomegaplugins.com/contact.htm). == Screenshots == 1. The above screenshot shows the variety of captcha types that can be displayed on your WordPress **Comment Form** and **Admin Log In** area. For an explanation concerning the manner by which the different captcha types operate, please see the 'Description' tabsheet of the WordPress [AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam/) site. 2. The above screenshot shows examples of the different captcha positions possible for display on your WordPress **Comment Form**. Top (T), Middle (M) or Bottom (B) positions can be selected. 3. The above screenshot shows an example of the captcha position on your WordPress **Admin Log In** area. Placing a captcha here can significantly block automated log in attempts. 4. The above screenshot shows the **Anti-Spam Filter** options of the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter WordPress Settings panel. You can create your own **Custom Anti-Spam Filter List** to block all spam Comments from being sent to you. Enter as many spam-related keywords or phrases as you like. This gives you complete control over which Comments are blocked. All Comment Form elements including **Name**, **E-mail**, **URL** and **Comment**/**Message** can be filtered for inappropriate content. 5. The above screenshot shows the **Anti-Spam Filter** options that allow you to configure a customized message shown to spammers when their spam-related Comment is blocked from being sent to you. A polite message is advisable. == Changelog == = 1.8 = - captcha responses broadened - please donate to ensure continued improvements == Upgrade Notice == Future upgrades will become available when completed. Thank you.