=== bbPress Antispam === Contributors: danielhuesken Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CS7BVQ6TTCRYU Tags: bbpress, anti-spam, antispam, spam, forum Requires at least: 3.2.1 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 1.1 Antispam for bbPress 2.x == Description == bbPress Antispam for bbPress 2.x is inspired on [Antispam Bee](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/antispam-bee/) and working similar. No data is send outside your blog. Spam detection features * A CSS hack is made * DNSBL Servers will checked for known spammers * Referrer will checked * The posted content will compared with existing spam == Installation == 1. Download Plugin. 2. Decompress and upload the contents of the archive into /wp-content/plugins/. 3. Activate the Plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where are the settings = under: Settings > Forms mostly on the bottom = CSS Hack = This option filters the most spam. Renames the name of the textarea for posts and makes an extra hidden with the old name. Checks than in with is text filled in. = DNSBL Check = The check uses a DNS lookup to opm.tornevall.org, [ix.dnsbl.manitu.net](http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/) and [sbl/xbl.spamhaus.org](http://www.spamhaus.org/) Blacklists to check for known spammers IP's. = Fake IP Check = Tries to test that the IP of the poster really exist. = Referrer Check = Checks that the sending topic/reply comes form your blog. = Spam IP Check = Looks in your comments and form posts, if a post with the poster IP already marked as spam and mark it too. = Content Spam Check = Looks in your comments and form posts, if a post with the same content already marked as spam and mark it too. = Author Spam Check = Looks in your comments and form posts, if a post with the same author already marked as spam and mark it too. == Screenshots == 1. Dashboard 2. Options == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Added: spamhaus.org (http://www.spamhaus.org/) DNSBL * Added: IPv6 support for DNSBL * Added: IPv6 support fake IP check * Added: display DNS Blacklist message to the poster * Fixed: Bug if DNSBL moved to spam = 1.0 = * Fixed: Now works with editor * Changed: CSS Hack better integration * Removed: Hony Pot Spam * Added: two DNBSL for spam detection (without registration) * Added: more documentation in readme * Added: Checks that bbPress is loaded to let the Plugin work = 0.7 = * Added: help tab * Fixed: character on sending mail * Fixed: no CSS spam filter on edit topic/reply * Changed: Prepending spam type on content not on title = 0.6 = * Added: Send mail on new topic/reply * Changed: Default settings * Fixed: Grammar = 0.5 = * Initial release