=== Block Spam By Math Reloaded === Contributors: jwpegram Donate link: http://www.jamespegram.com/donate/ Tags: wordpress, mu, spam, security, plugin, authentication, anti-spam, sign-up Requires at least: 3.1 (maybe older) Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: trunk This plugin protects your Wordpress and Buddypress login, comments, and new user/new blog signup process against spambots with a simple math question. == Description == This plugin protects your Wordpress 3.x login, comments, and new user/new blog signup process against spambots with a simple math question. This plugin adds an extra layer of protection against comment spam and spam blog creation bots. While nothing is 100% fool proof the concept has been proven many times in various forms in the past. Block Spam By Math Reloaded combines the features of WPMU Block Spam By Math and the original Block Spam By Math into one plugin that supports the Wordpress 3.x and Buddypress 1.2.7 platforms. This plugin is based on the original Block-Spam-By-Math plugin created by Alexander Grau. == Installation == 1. Download and extract the zip file, upload the block-spam-by-math-reloaded directory to your wp-content/plugins directory. Visit the plugin page (http://www.jamespegram.com/block-spam-by-math-reloaded/) to see more about it. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin work with the original Block spam By Math plugin? = No, this plugin uses some of the same functions and function names and will most likely cause you problems if you try and run them together. = Does this plugin work with the regular WPMU Block spam By Math plugin? = No, this plugin uses some of the same functions and function names and will most likely cause you problems if you try and run them together. = Does this plugin work on Wordpress versions prior to the 3.x series? = Not sure, although it won't run on anything older than 2.7 for sure. = Can I change the math questions? = Yes, just edit the two rand functions in the plugin file to generate whatever type of numbers you want. = Does this plugin work on regular Buddypress? = Yes. Requires Buddypress 1.2.7 or higher using the default Buddypress theme == Screenshots == 1. Sample Wordpress sign-up screen. 2. Sample Wordpress sign-up screen (with error message). 3. Sample Wordpress comment screen. 4. Sample Wordpress Login screen 5. Sample Buddypress signup screen (default theme) 6. Sample Buddypress sidebar login (default theme) == Change Log == = V1.00: Initial release. [Jan 12, 2011] = V2.00: Released on [March 09, 2011] * Added ability to specify placement of security question on comment form * Added a number of form validation enhancements * Added some additional features and additional customization = V2.01: Released on [March 09, 2011] * Minor scripting updates = V2.0.2: Released on [March 10, 2011] * Fixed bug that prevented Submit button from displaying on older versions = V2.1: Released on [March 12, 2011] * Rewrote layout of admin screens to clean up some clutter * Added Uninstall feature to remove all data from database * Added help for email registration = V2.1.1: Released on [March 23, 2011] * Added option to remove nag messages. = V2.2.0: Released on [July 2, 2011] * Removed email registration * Added option to exclude WP admin * Added tabindex option * Minor scripting updates = V2.2.1: Released on [July 10, 2011] * Removed option to exclude WP admin added in v2.2.0 * Added option to exclude WP user role = V2.2.2: Released on [July 24, 2011] * Fixed to work properly with WP in network mode = V2.2.3: Released on [Jan 11, 2012] * Fixed minor CSS issue = V2.2.4: Released on [Jan 2, 2012] * Fixed minor reported issues * Added code to move answer values into session vars == Help == For additional help check the plugin page at: http://www.jamespegram.com/block-spam-by-math-reloaded/