=== Plugin Name === Plugin Name: Comm100 Live Chat - Chat Plugin for WordPress Contributors: Comm100Corp Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.6.1 Stable tag: 2.2 Tags: live chat, chat, plugin, comm100, admin, widget, customer support, live support, wordpress plugin, live help, wordpress chat License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Comm100 Live Chat WordPress Chat Plugin enables you to have a 360 degree view of your WordPress site visitors. Install it NOW! == Description == Comm100 Live Chat is the enterprise-grade [live chat software](http://www.comm100.com/livechat/ "Live Chat Software") for website. It enables you to have a 360 degree view of your website visitors and provide them with live support. Comm100 [Live Chat WordPress Plugin](http://www.comm100.com/livechat/wordpresschat.aspx "Live Chat for WordPress") is specifically designed for you to quickly install Comm100 Live Chat onto your WordPress site. It enables you to have live chat monitoring code and the live chat button added on your WordPress site pages with just a few simple steps. It will boost both your sales and customer satisfaction. Please note that Comm100 Live Chat is a paid product with 15-day free trial. See [pricing and plans](http://www.comm100.com/livechat/pricing.aspx "Live Chat Pricing"). **What Our Customers Say** "Comm100 Live Chat is a way to generate leads and convert them to sales. We thank Comm100 for providing such a useful live chat service." ------ Jeniffer, Complete Online Pharmacy "We are very impressed with Comm100 Live Chat. Having tried live support type products for our business in the past, live chat never seemed to really benefit our business. However, Comm100 Live Chat has definitely increased sales and we tend to think that our website before we use this live chat software was like having a shop with no staff; we can now help customers at any point via live chat during their visit to our website and track their progress. Comm100 Live Chat is also very professional and easy for all our staff to use. Comm100 Live Chat has become vital to our business." ------ Keziah Edwards, Travel Consultant at Beach Club Resorts **Why Comm100 Live Chat?** * Industry Leading Live Chat Feature Set - Full live chat customization, intelligent live chat invitation, live visitor monitor & tracking, comprehensive live chat reports, customer rating and anything else you ever imagine in live chat software are all available with Comm100 Live Chat. * Multiple [Live Chat Mobile Apps](http://www.comm100.com/livechat/mobilechat.aspx "Live Chat Mobile Apps") - Comm100 Live Chat offers multiple mobile live chat apps for iPhone, iPad, Android devices and BlackBerry phones.Take live chat while on the go. * High Live Chat Stability & Security - We employ industry-leading technology and infrastructure to deliver maximum security, redundancy and performance capability for your live chat. And as a licensee of TRUSTe, we are committed to protecting your live chat information privacy. == Installation == Using the WordPress chat plugin, you can quickly get live chat up and runing following the steps below. 1. Log into your WordPress admin panel and go to the 'Plugins' menu. 1. Click 'Add New' to install Comm100 Live Chat onto your WordPress site either by searching Comm100 Live Chat in the plugin directory or by uploading the .zip file you have downloaded from WordPress.org. 1. Click on the 'Live Chat' menu on the left. 1. Link up your Comm100 Live Chat account. Register one if you haven't. 1. Click 'Get Online & Chat' to start a live chat with your website/blog visitors. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How much does Comm100 Live Chat cost? = Comm100 Live Chat is a commercial product, which offers three live chat editions with different prices. [See comparison & pricing.](http://www.comm100.com/livechat/pricing.aspx "Live Chat Pricing") = How to make my live chat button online? = You need to log into Comm100 Live Chat Visitor Monitor to make your live chat button Online. Click "Get Online & Chat" from the live chat menu in your WP admin panel or log in from the live chat desktop or mobile apps. [Learn more](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=269 "Get Live Chat Online") = Can I customize my live chat? = Sure. Comm100 Live Chat is fully customizable. You can freely personalize the following for your live chat according to your own needs: [Live Chat Button](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Main/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&Id=151 "Customize Live Chat Button"), [Live Chat Window](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=644 "Customize Live Chat Window"), [Invitation](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=167 "Customize Live Chat Invitation"), [Pre-Chat Window](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Main/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&Id=258 "Customize Pre-Chat Window"), [Offline Message Window](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Main/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&Id=256 "Customize Offline Message Window"), [Live Chat Rating Window](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=683 "Customize Live Chat Rating Window"), [Live Chat Interface Language](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Main/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&Id=201 "Customize Live Chat Interface Language") and some other advanced live chat settings. = Can I invite a visitor to have a live chat? = Yes. You can either manually send a live chat invitation to a visitor ([how?](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=716 "How to manually invite a visitor to live chat?")) or set up the live chat auto invitation to automatically invite your visitors to a live chat([how?](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=682 "How to automatically invite a visitor to live chat?")). = How can I view my live chat history? = All your live chat records and offline messages are stored in our database. You can query for a particular live chat record from your Comm100 Live Chat control panel. [Learn more](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&id=166 "View Live Chat History") = Does Comm100 Live Chat support multiple operators? = Yes. You can add unlimited operators into your live chat account. For how to add a live chat operator, please [click here](http://hosted.comm100.com/KnowledgeBase/Main/Article.aspx?siteId=10000&Id=190 "Add Live Chat Operator"). = Where can I get help if I have more questions about live chat? = Our dedicated live chat support team are always standing by to help you along the way. Please visit our online [help desk](http://hosted.comm100.com/HelpDesk/Main/Main.aspx?siteid=10000 "Comm100 Help Desk Portal") for any support related with Comm100 Live Chat. == Changelog == = 2.1 = * Improved the user experience for account setup. * Enabled users to add a static chat button via widget. = 2.0 = * Move the account signup process out of WordPress, per WordPress' guidelines. * Change the chat button to a float one. No need to add a widget. = 1.2 = * Greatly improved the user experience. * Added the "Get Online & Chat" menu. = 1.1 = * Fixed a critical bug. * Added Frequently Asked Questions.