17.04.2014 - ver 4.1.1
   - z-index value for add element modal box increased
   - Improved element stacking on mopbile devices
   - Links now work in WP Text element
   - WP Menus element is populated on init event now
   - Removed console.log in js file
   - IE10 fix for TinyMCE

16.04.2014 - ver 4.1
   - New: Shortcode Mapper, map any third party shortcode to Visual Composer with an easy to use interface
   - New: Design options for Row, Columns, Text block, Single image and Video block elements. Add baackground color/image, paddings, border and margins. Tons of variations. You are a designer now!
   - New: Now you can group your params in tabs
   - White color for button added
   - Colors are now visible as actual colors in the dropdowns instead of "plain names"
   - Color picker have alpha chanel now
   - .po/.mo files updated

09.04.2014 - ver 4.0.5
   - Compatibility with new TinyMCE version in WordPress 3.9 added
   - Logic behind license activation button changed. Clicking activate button will save all fields
   - Image carousel popup next/prev links show correct images
   - Mobile screen width setting in design options updated to new less/css
   - "Show only Visual Composer" in "User groups access rules" fixed
   - Extra CSS class appended to the separator element

27.03.2014 - ver 4.0.4
   Bug fix round
   - Post grid categories: z-index fixed so autosuggestions now visible
   - Custom row layout input field in frontend mode works now

20.03.2014 - ver 4.0.3
   Bug fix round
   - Cloning elements in frontend is handled better
   - Enable/Disable Respinsivness in the backend from settings page
   - "Edit with Visual Composer" button in the admin bar now shows for correct user roles (who have access rights)
   - vc_disable_frontend() function enhanced
   - "TypeError: $(...).wpColorPicker" error illuminated
   - VC button in the backend reeived a facelift
   - Visual Composer suppor for child themes improved
   - Element dependencies tweaked to work with multiple values

11.03.2014 - ver 4.0.2
   - Google maps element updated to support new google maps version
   - Child theme support added
   - Disable responsivness is back
   - h1 css rules, normalize.css and print.css removed fron final js_composer_front.css removed
   - Workaround for inline scripts added (for devs who output js code inline)
   - Revolution slider support added
   - Nested shortcodes: except param can accept comma separated values now
   - CSS code added in front end is mirrored in backend interface
   - Sprite for predefined row laoyouts added
   - "Close" modal button in backend position tweak added
   - Updated .po/.mo files

03.03.2014 - ver 4.0.1
   - Optimizations for WPEngine
   - Plugin search is back
   - User access rules logic improved (for publish/save posts in inline mode)
   - Nested shortcodes can now accept except param

02.03.2014 - ver 4.0
   - Major update. All new inline (front end) editing mode. Now you can see what you are doing, no more trials and errors
   - Based on Bootstrap 3
   - New content elements (even more to come...)
   - New styles for Separators, Single images
   - And much-much more! 3 months of hard development invested in this update

08.01.2014 - ver. 3.7.4
   - NL locale added
   - Custom layout fixed (all fractional sizes work now on front end)
   - 100 sliders limit value for Revolutions sliders increased
   - Color picker css improved for Win users

13.12.2013 - ver. 3.7.3
   - TinyMCE "Text" mode buttons size fixed
   - Small WordPress 3.8 adjustments

08.12.2013 - ver 3.7.2
   - "Add Element" window received a "facelift"
   - Alignment for Single Image fixed
   - Custom CSS: now is outputted only in single page view
   - Scroll problem in edit element view in Chrome fixed
   - .po/.mo files updated
   - Raw js block: removed bottom margin
   - Posts grid column count fixed

27.11.2013 - ver 3.7.1
   - vc_remove_element() is back

26.11.2013 - ver 3.7
   - New: Posts Grid element with much more control and visual query builder
   - New: Custom teaser, control what content should be used in Posts grid and Carousel
   - New: Image carousel
   - New: Now you can set color for row background
   - New: Now you can set text color for row
   - New: Fine tune margins and paddings within a row
   - New: Single image alignment added
   - New: Custom CSS for singular pages. Add Custom CSS code to particular pages only
   - New: Now third party developers can easily create nested shortcodes Eg: [items][single_item][single_item][/items] More: http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Nested_Shortcodes_%28container%29
   - New: Weight attribute for content elements added
   - Conflict with Gantry framework fixed
   - Conflict with QuForm plugin fixed
   - Single image url fixed
   - Third party shortcodes wraps in the text block when switching to Visual Composer mode
   - .po/.mo files updated

07.10.2013 - ver
   - Re: URL for single image improved
   - Dependency improvements

07.10.2013 - ver 3.6.14
   - IT locale added
   - Empty text block works correct now
   - Isotope css added for print page version
   - URL for single image improved
   - Site admins in Multisite have access to VC Settings now

09.09.2013 - ver 3.6.13
   - 7/12 + 5/12 layout now works on the front end
   - FR locale updated
   - Dependency setting now works for single image element

23.08.2013 - ver 3.6.12
   - fix for dissapearing paragraph and br tags

15.08.2013 - ver 3.6.11
   - Carousel is back
   - "isHidden" javascript error which was affecting some users fixed
   - WP Custom Menu logic improved

09.08.2013 - ver 3.6.10
   - New: Pie chart content element
   - Updated code to support new jQuery UI version (Accordion spacing, Tour next/prev links working again, Image grid in 2nd+ tab working again, Tour sorting/cloning fixed)
   - pt_BR locale updated

05.08.2013 - ver 3.6.9
   - New: Auto updater. Enter your API key/Purchase code/Envato username and plugin will be updated automaticaly
   - New: Add multiple categories to your content elements (when register new element with vc_map())
   - New: "If you close this window all shortcode settings will be lost. Close this window?" message now is showed only when there are unsaved changes
   - Javascript code tested with JShint
   - Better "bullet proof" logic for custom size images

15.07.2013 - ver 3.6.8
   - More row layouts added
   - Custom row layout option added, now you can enter exact size you want/need
   - Row layout switcher changed
   - Title removed for Text block in edit screen (for space savings)
   - vc_remove_element() typo fixed
   - Quotes properly escaped now in Template names
   - Isotope library updated
   - Images from same galleries can be cycled in prettyPhoto lightbox
   - Colorpicker attribute now works for all user roles

03.07.2013 - ver 3.6.7
   - Navigation for Accordion added, now you can link to specific section directly
   - Inner API extended. More details http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Inner_API
   - PHP code formatted for PHP Strict standards
   - default.po and .mo files updated

25.06.2013 - ver 3.6.6
   - New: Accordion now can be collapsed by default
   - Quotes in Accordion/Tour/Tabs now works
   - Category filter works now after wpb_remove() function call
   - Some users had "unexpected T_VAR in loop templates.html" error - fixed
   - "Show only Visual Composer" permission fixed

17.06.2013 - ver 3.6.5
   - New: Shortcode Template logic. More here: http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Shortcode_Templates_(markup)
   - New: Link param type
   - New: Updates notifier now "hooks" into the WP Updates system
   - New helper function added for easier param adding to existing content elements wpb_add_param($shortcode, $param)
   - Colorpicker param type now is using WordPress default color picker
   - Modal window fix for Avada theme
   - Google maps: New setting to hide info balloon 
   - TinyMCE editor works correct now, for users with non US locale
   - Tab duplicating fixed
   - FR locale updated
   - Textdomains added in few strings. .po and .mo files updated
   - Accordion "Add new accordion section" text changed
   - Plugin activation improved
   - Text typos in Google maps and Progress bar fixed
   - Twitter widget removed. Due to the api change tweets can't be loaded "the old" way anymore. As workaround, login to your twitter account and create new widget (https://twitter.com/settings/widgets) then use raw HTML block to place generated code to your page

07.06.2013 - ver
   - update for the those who have javascript error "jQuery(...).waypoint is not a function"

01.06.2013 - ver 3.6.4
   - New feature: Added CSS animations for Single image, Message box, Text Block & Toggle. Which runs when element enters browsers viewport.
   - Progress bar animation now starts when it enters into the viewport. Added filter for class names.

27.05.2013 - ver 3.6.3
   - tinyMCE initialization improved
   - #tb_window z-index increased

24.05.2013 - ver 3.6.2
   - Safe switching added. If you had content before switching to Visual Composer mode, it will be wrapped in Text Block now
   - CSS conflict resulting in cutting "Add element" and element edit pages fixed
   - Some localization strings fixed

21.05.2013 - ver 3.6.1
   - custom.css and js_composer_front_custom.css storing location changed from plugin's folder to wp-content/uploads/js_composer/*
   - German translation updated. Thanks to Toni (kratos85)
   - French translation added. Thanks to sailor1978.
   - Spanish translation updated. Thanks to elpuntografico
   - Russian translation added.
13.05.2013 - ver 3.6
   - Fully rewritten backend. Now powered by backbone.js library - enourmous speed improvements
   - Elements drag and drop logic improved
   - New settings page. Now you can change default colors, CSS grid settings, Content elements bottom spacing. You should see it!
   - New search filter in "Add element" window. Content elements are filtered while you type
   - New content elements: Progress bar (animated), Gravity Form
   - Default WP widgets now can be inserted directly to your page
   - Single image block improved (added option for auto linking to the 'large' image)
   - Accordion block improved (added "collapsible" option)
   - Posts Slider block improved (added option to add titles)
   - Button block improved (add prettyphoto extra class and link will open in lightbox)
   - Custom CSS section added into the settings page. Now pasting your own css code is a lot easier
   - New param type for developers (checkbox)
   - prettyPhoto updated (3.1.5)
   - .po & .mo files updated
   - Overal files cleanup (plugin file size reduced)
   - And a lot more small thigs that will make your experience with Visual Composer better

15.02.2013 - ver 3.5.3
   - Image selection i18nLocale fixed
   - .po and .mo files updated

07.02.2013 - ver 3.5.2
   - Activation error fixed (cases when Contact form7 was installed)
   - User rights updated (Row in Row now works)
25.01.2013 - ver 3.5.1
   - WP native image selector added (for single image and galleries)
   - delete icon in tabs
   - add section for accordion fixed
   - row extra class output on front end fixed
   - IE images stretching removed
   - "convert to new version" added support for 3rd party shortcodes

22.01.2013 - ver 3.5
   - Major update, read more about update: http://bit.ly/vc_34_to_35
   - Fully rewriten backend UI, with better row->column logic
   - Overall speed improvements
   - Highly customizable for third party developers
   - Due to large amount of css conflicts, original bootstrap was removed and forked "prefixed" one is used now
   - Improved element's responsiveness
   - .po & .mo files updated
   - And many, many more... 

18.12.2012 - ver 3.4.12
   - Edit tab titles fixed

13.12.2012 - ver 3.4.11
   - var_dump() removed from shortcodes.php file
   - pressing cancel button works correctly now
   - depreceted function image_resize replaced with wp_get_image_editor()
   - .po and .mo files updated

12.12.2012 - ver 3.4.10
   - Accordion "freezing" fixed
   - WP 3.5 compatibility fixes added

29.12.2012 - ver 3.4.9
   - Introduced developers methods more info http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Category:Visual_Composer
   - Exceprts now are working for posts/pages created with Visual Composer
   - Nivo slider updated (ver. 3.1)
   - Responsive css can be turned off from Visual Composer settings page

15.11.2012 - ver 3.4.8
   - fix for qTranslate (after recent update qTranslate was hiding Visual Composer button)
   - new colorpicker param type added
   - Template system updated

09.11.2012 - ver 3.4.7
   - Updates notifier added (beta)
   - Toggling between Visual Composer/Classic view now works as it should be (content is updating correctly)
05.11.2012 - ver 3.4.6
   - Raw HTML and Raw js content blocks updated

31.10.2012 - ver 3.4.5
   - Fixed shortcodes initialization ([vc_column_text width="1/1" el_position="first last"] ...)
23.10.2012 - ver 3.4.4
   - wamp environment fix
16.10.2012 - ver 3.4.3
   - fixed "Empty visual editor"

11.10.2012 - ver 3.4.2
   - fixed "Call to undefined function get_currentuserinfo()"
09.10.2012 - ver 3.4.1
   - Activation error fix
   - Few small addons
05.10.2012 - ver 3.4
   - New facelifted backend interface
   - New content block selection menu
   - Call to action block in IE fixed
   - Single image block: now image can be removed after upload
   - VC initializing fixed (for users who changed default wp-content/plugins/ path)
   - Raq html/Raw js content blocks non latin characters fixed
   - New method for developers. Now you can completely override outputted html on frontend
   - Google maps positioning in 2nd, 3rd, ..., tab fixed
   - .po & .mo files updated

21.09.2012 - ver 3.3.3
   - image max-width set to 100%;
   - Fixed image uploading layout (now it uses full width)
   - locale string added in few __() and _e() functions
   - .wpb_flickr_widget & .wpb_twitter_widget bottom margin added in LESS
   - css background, changed to background-color where possible
21.08.2012 - ver 3.3.2
   - second attempt to fix "Featured image"
21.08.20012 - ver 3.3.1
   - add_them_support('post-thumbnails'); extends post thumbnails defined by theme

16.08.2012 - ver 3.3
   - This version main focus is on CSS files, they are improved. Content elements now share similar "default grey" style across all elements
   - Bootstrap now comes with LESS files
   - Bootstrap css rules stripped to prevent css conflicts with 3rd party themes/plugins
   - js_composer_front.css: re-done. Now compiles from LESS files.
14.08.2012 - ver 3.2.4
   - Video in tabs fixed
   - Container extra class name applied to inner text blocks bug fixed
09.08.2012 - ver 3.2.3
   - Settings page enhancments
27.07.2012 - ver 3.2.2
   - jQuery UI CSS facelifted, now should look great in every design.
   - LESS files for jQuery UI now available in assets/ui-custom-theme/less
24.07.2012 - ver 3.2.1
   - jQuery Tabs switching fixed

23.07.2012 - ver 3.2.0
   - Teaser grid: link target added
   - Image grid placed in tabs bug fixed
   - FlexSlider updated
   - Masonry Layout for Teaser grid added
   - Sorting in Teaser grid added
   - Extra class name for containers added
   - .js files outputs in footer
   - If user switch Visual Composer mode when there's text already, then this text is wrapped in text block.
   - Administrator now can set user roles related settings in Visual Compsoer->Settings
   - Administrator now can set Visual Composer as default editor (per user role)
   - Image gallery: link target added
   - Single image element: link option added
   - Posts slider: removed string "No featured image set" if no image is set
   - Fixed problem with advanced custom fields
   - .po file updated
04.06.2012 - ver 3.1.0
   - Major release
   - Rewritten core. Now OOP driven
   - Updated documentation and Advanced documentation
   - Updated locale files
   - 1/5 and 5/6 columns sizes added
   - UI enhanced
   - Single image element added
   - Raw HTML element added
   - Raw JS element added
   - Drag & Drop works better now
   - Adding images in galleries is easier now (WP native way)
   - Bootstrap updated to 2.0.4
10.05.2012 - ver 3.0.4
   - HTML Comments removed from generated html code. Some themes wrapped them in paragraph tag :(

27.04.2012 - ver 3.0.3
   - Alert box icons on front end added
   - Image gallery. Now images can be shuffled/randomized
   - Tested with Advanced TinyMCE plugin. Works OK
   - Bootstrap updated to 2.0.3

15.04.2012 - ver 3.0.2
   - bootstrap.css cleaned, unused classes removed.

14.04.2012 - ver 3.0.1
   - Attached images field, now checks for deleted images and if ID doesn't exist - ID is removed.
   - Cloning tabs, accordion and tour fixed.
   - google+ added
   - pinterest added
   - German translation added. Contributed by aleccs
   - Polish translation added. Contributed by Bartosz Arendt, Digital Factory
   - apostrophe \' fixed
   - Accordion droppable fixed, now it doesn't accept tabs, tour and accordion in it.
   - .po file updated
   - .container class name comment out from bootstrap.css file. Because it isn't used withing the plugin, but conflicts with 3rd part themes

11.04.2012 - ver 3.0 - Major release - Fully rewritten
   - New content blocks added (Accordion, Posts slider, Google maps, Video widget);
   - Old content blocks extended (FAQ Toggle: default state option added, Image gallery: ability to link each slide individually added, new layout (simple grid) added, now you can enter size for your image WP native way. thumbnail, media, large;
   - Tabs, Tours and Accordion content block are fully revamped: now they can accept other content elements inside them, as a result you can columns or image gallery right in tabs;
   - Teaser (posts) grid: new filtering and sorting options added;

09.02.2012 - ver 2.3.3
   - prettyPhoto updated and few js improvements.

07.02.2012 - ver 2.3.2
   - js and css files now included with version number.

27.01.2012 - ver 2.3.1
   - Added additional "if" check to prevent error message when image can't be found or resized

   - "no link" in VC teaser grid
   - "Read more" button removed & image wrapped in span; Visual composer now switching default WP content area to Visual mode automatically

   - WP 3.3 compatibility;
   - .clear class renamed to .vc_clear;
   - Now tabs and tour slides have classname, as a result they can be targeted with css;
   - If Visual Composer settings are empty, then columns are percent based.

   - New content block added - "Text separator".

   - .wrapper class renamed to .wpb_wrapper; 
   - CSS file cleaned and tweaked;
   - Posts grid -> Categories (narrowing by custom taxonomies) now works with custom post types and regular posts;
   - New content element added - "Tour section";
   - Fixed bug with image inserting into tabs;
   - Checked that js_composer works great with YOAST SEO, some user reported that they don't work together.

   - CSS improvements.

   - Nested tabs bug fixed. Thanks to Justin.

   - Scheduled update. Overall improvements.

   - Now you can generate grid for multiple templates. Eg: For full width page, page with sidebar and so on.

   - New content block "Call to action box"

   - Few tweaks to the backend design, posts grid now can show posts in Carousel

   - Redesigned backend, new content module "Button"

   - Fully rewritten engine, as a result you can add your own shortcodes. Note: ver 2.0 isn't compatible with 1.2 plugin version, please delete old plugin first.

   - New content block "Widgetised Sidebar", few bugfixes.