=== Simple Author Highlighter === Contributors: Dmitriy Akulov Donate link: http://www.dakulov.eu/ Tags: comments, highlight, comment, admin, author, post, style, highlighter, global, user, Requires at least: 2.8.0 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 0.6.5 Simple Author Highlighter is a wordpress plugin that allows you to easy highlight authors comments. More on our website www.dakulov.eu == Description == Simple Author Highlighter is a simple WordPress plug-in that can customize the color of the author's comments or any selected users (for example the admins). The installation process is extremely simple and accessible and after install, Simple Author Highlighter can be found in the "Plugins" menu in WordPress. == Installation == Installation & Usage 1. Download and unzip the folder 2. Upload the folder to /wp-content/plugins/ 3. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin. 4. In the "Settings" menu find the "Simple Author Settings" == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is it working with Wordpress 3? = Yes = Can i select multiple users in Global Highlighting? = Yes, you can use comma to delimit multiple users. For example: dimitris,nikos,stratos == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.jpg 2. screenshot-2.jpg == Changelog == = 0.6.5 = * Official Wordpress 3.1 support * Redesigned settings menu. = 0.6 = * New feature: Ability to select multiple users in Global Highlighting = 0.5 = * Bug fixing (Thanks to Aaqil for reporting it) = 0.4 = * Added unistall hook = 0.3 = * Added feature to globally highlight a user * Changed menu title = 0.2 = * Fixed some bugs * Added option to change the text color of author's comments = 0.1 = * First release