=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: matrixagent
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=paypal%40matrixagents%2eorg&item_name=Dodge%20this%21%20StatPress%20Reloaded&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=EUR&lc=DE&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8
Tags: stats, statistics, widget, admin, sidebar, visits, visitors, pageview, referrer, spy
Requires at least: 2.5
Tested up to: 2.7.1
Stable Tag: 1.5.21
This plugin shows you real time statistics about your blog. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS etc.
== Description ==
This plugin (a highly improved fork of StatPress) shows you real time statistics about your blog. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS etc.
Once the plugin StatPress has been activated it immediately starts to collect information.
Using StatPress Reloaded you can see your visitors actions while they are surfing your blog or check which are the preferred pages, posts and categories.
In the Dashboard menu you will find the StatPress Reloaded page where you could look up the statistics (overview or detailed).
StatPress Reloaded also includes a widget you can add to a sidebar (or easy PHP code if you can't use widgets!).
= Multilanguage =
StatPress Reloaded speaks English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Norwegian, Dutch, Brazilian, Turkish, Swedish!
Could you translate StatPress in your language? Please contact me!
= DB Table maintenance =
StatPress can automatically delete older records to allow the insertion of newer records when your space is limited.
= StatPress Widget / StatPress_Print function =
The widget is customizable. These are the available variables:
* %thistotalvisits% - this page, total visits
* %since% - Date of the first hit
* %visits% - Today visits
* %totalvisits% - Total visits
* %os% - Operative system
* %browser% - Browser
* %ip% - IP address
* %visitorsonline% - Counts all online visitors
* %usersonline% - Counts logged online visitors
* %toppost% - The most viewed Post
* %topbrowser% - The most used Browser
* %topos% - The most used O.S.
* %thistotalpages% - Total pageviews so far
* %pagestoday% - Pageviews today
* %pagesyesterday% - Pageviews yesterday
* %latesthits%
Now you could add these values everywhere! StatPress offers a new PHP function *StatPress_Print()*.
* i.e. StatPress_Print("%totalvisits% total visits.");
Put it whereever you want the details to be displayed in your template. Remember, as this is PHP, it needs to be surrounded by PHP-Tags!
== Installation ==
Upload "statpress-reloaded" directory in wp-content/plugins/ . Then just activate it on your plugin management page.
That's it, you're done!
(Note: If you have been using the old StatPress before, deactivate it. Your data is taken over!)
= Update =
* Deactivate the plugin
* Delete "statpress-reloaded" directory in wp-content/plugins/
* Upload the content of the ZIP
* Activate "Statpress Reloaded" on your plugin management page
* In the Dashboard click "StatPress", then "StatPressUpdate" and wait until it will add/update db's content
Update from within Wordpress Admin Panel does work, too. But don't forget to run "StatPressUpdate" afterwards!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where can I get help? =
Please visit the discussion board.
== Screenshots ==
· Overview
· Details
· Widget
· Spy
· Search
== Updates ==
*Update from 0.1 to 0.2*
* Layout update
* iPhone and other new defs
*Update from 0.2 to 0.3 (15 Jul 2007)*
* Rss Feeds support!
* Layout update
* New defs
*Update from 0.3 to 0.4 (14 Sep 2007)*
* Customizable widget
* New defs
*Update from 0.4 to 0.5 (25 Sep 2007)*
* New "Overview"
* New defs
*Update from 0.5 to 0.5.2 (3 Oct 2007)*
* Solved (rare) compatibility issues - Thanks to Carlo A.
*Update from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3 (4 Oct 2007)*
* Solved setup compatibility issues - Thanks to Andrew
*Update from 0.5.3 to 0.6 (17 Oct 2007)*
* New interface layout
* Export to CSV
* MySQL table size in Overview
*Update from 0.6 to 0.7 (22 Oct 2007)*
* Unique visitors
* New graphs (and screenshots)
*Update from 0.7 to 0.7.1 (27 Oct 2007)*
* (one time) Automatically database table creation
*Update from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 (30 Oct 2007)*
* Now "Last Pages" and "Pages" sections don't count spiders hits - Thanks to Maddler
* Page title decoded
* New spider defs - Thanks to Maddler
*Update from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 (8 Nov 2007)*
* New IP banning (new file def/banips.dat)
* Functions updated, bugs resolved - Thanks to Maddler
* New "Overview"
* Updated defs
*Update from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 (12 Nov 2007)*
* New Spy section
* Updated defs
*Update from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5 (14 Nov 2007)*
* New gfx look
* Updated defs
*Update from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6 (25 Nov 2007)*
* New SEARCH section!
* New StatPress_Print() function
*Update from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7 (28 Nov 2007)*
* New SEARCH section!
* New Options panel
* (Optionally) StatPress collects data about logged users
* New Widget variables: VISITORSONLINE and USERSONLINE
*Update from 0.7.7 to 0.8 (3 Dec 2007)*
* "Automatically delete visits older than..." option
*Update from 0.8 to 0.9 (10 Dec 2007)*
* Added search by IP
* New IP lookup service: hostip.info (spy with flags!)
* New spiders
* "Support" link in dashboard
*Update from 0.8 to 0.9.5 (16 Dec 2007)*
* Multilanguage (support English and Italian... could you help me?)
* Spy links fixed
* Update Overview graph with optional num.of days
* Update queries slashed
*Update from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 (17 Dec 2007)*
* Spanish translation (Thanks to nv1962)
*Version 1.0*
* WP Date and Time settings support (UTC + timezone offset)
*Version 1.1*
* Time settings patch
*Version 1.2*
* French translation (Thanks to Joel Remaud)
* German translation (Thanks to Martin Bartels)
* Russian translation (Thanks to Aleksandr)
* Portuguese/Brazilian translation (Thanks to gmcosta)
* New option: Minimum "capability" to view stats
* Some Overview update
* 20071225: Dutch translation (Thanks to Matthijs www.hethaagseblog.nl)
*Version 1.2.1*
* Norwegian translation (Thanks to Selveste Radiohode)
*Version 1.2.2 (2 Jan 2008)*
* Resolved some bugs
*Version 1.2.3 (16 Jan 2008)*
* Two Turkish translation (Thanks to Singlemen http://berkant.info/blog/?p=618 and Resat)
* Swedish translation (Thanks to Bjšrn Felten)
* Path independent (Thanks to Christian Heim)
* Some new widget variables
* Some fixes
*Version 1.2.4 (10 Feb 2008)*
* New widget: TopPosts
* "Overview" optimization (Thanks to nexia)
* Security patch (Thanks to livibetter)
* .def updates
*Version 1.2.5 (14 Feb 2008)*
* New option "Do not collect spiders visits"
* Compatibility issue: remove jdmonthname() func
* New Last spiders table
* Selectable fields delimiter in CSV export
*Version 1.2.6 (20 Feb 2008)*
* TopPosts widget new href links (Thanks Flip and Frank)
* .def updates (Thanks to GT)
* Interface fixes
*Version 1.2.7 (27 Feb 2008)*
* New menu layout (top level)
* Updated TopPosts widget code (Thanks to crashdumpfr)
* New hook "send_headers"
* Js, plugins and themes doesn't count
* New spiders (Thanks to M66B)
*Version 1.2.8 (27 Feb 2008)*
* Some Feed issues resolved
*Version 1.2.9 (8 Mar 2008)*
* Feed issues resolved (Thanks to Frank http://www.webtlk.com )
* Comment Feeds support
*Version (16 Apr 2008)*
* Search works again!
* defs updated (Thanks to all forum users!)
*Version (23 Jun 2008)*
* XSS vulnerability patch (Thanks to rogeriopvl blog.rogeriopvl.com)
*Version 1.4 (13 Sep 2008)*
* Bugfix for broken "page viewed" link when using permalinks
* Sometimes Firefox' referrer-strings were not properly decoded
* Updated definition files (Chrome, baby!)
*Version 1.4.1 (13 Sep 2008)*
* Links to your blog on "Spy"-page also were broken when using permalinks -> fixed.
* First tiny beginnings of speed improvement (Thanks to bfowle - http://www.morgan-howard.com/ )
* Updated definition files (Chrome does work now, thanks to trm96 - http://trm96.com/ )
* Hopefully got rid of unnecessary additional root dir in ZIP-download from WP.org
*Version 1.4.2 (18.09.2008)*
* Added %thistotalpages% (total number of pageloads since StatPress was installed) and %pagestoday% (total number of pageloads today) to the variables. (Thanks to Pupazz - http://this-world-is.boldlygoingnowhere.org/andinet/wordpress/ )
* Beginning to fix teh feed recognition - not done yet, though. (Thanks to TheChrisD - http://www.thechrisd.com/ )
* Again fixing the "page viewed" links - dude, this was some really messed up code!
* New definitions
*Version 1.4.3 (19.09.2008)*
* Fixed problem with some variables not being replaced properly (Thanks to Robert@PNG - http://www.trupela.com/ )
*Version 1.4.4 (19.09.2008)*
* Since 1.4.2 there was a function used that didn't work properly with php versions below 5.1.2
* Definitions
*Version 1.4.5 (19.09.2008)*
* "Page viewed" links fixed again - hope they still work for the rest.
* Added %thistotalpages% and %pagestoday% for real.
*Version 1.4.6 (19.09.2008)*
* Declaring this the day of the "page viewed"-link.
* Added %thistotalpages% for real, real!
*Version 1.4.7 (21.09.2008)*
* Guess what: Fixes for the "page viewed"-link.
* Modified table-structure slightly. (Replaced many "TEXT" with "TINYTEXT".)
* "Target this month" now more accurate (previously it was calculated with 30 days for each month!)
* New language included: Catalan (Thanks to Alfred -> http://bratac.cat )
*Version 1.4.8 (21.09.2008)*
* There was a problem with strpos in some PHP-versions, now using a more compatible way.
*Version 1.4.9 (21.09.2008)*
* Definitions updated
* Began fixing the TopPosts Widget - still not working as intended when using Permalinks
* Table size of Statpress is displaying incorrectly in WP:MU - attempt to fix, not sure if it works.
*Version 1.4.10 (25.10.2008)*
* Definitions updated
* New variable: %latesthits% displays the ten last search terms
* Added option to delete spider visits earlier than other data
* Fixed some bugs when using UTF-8
* Fixed bug in "Search"
* Fixed a problem with the banips.dat
*Version 1.4.11 (25.10.2008)*
* Sorry, no new features or anything, just some severe security fixes. Next version with some improvements should follow before december - thanks for all your support!
*Version 1.5 (17.12.2008)*
* 2.7 compability update
* If you have http:BL installed, every entry gets checked against the database from http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ - there will be options to auto-delete/ignore entries with certain criteria in the future. For now, you could already manually delete entries with a score higher than x directly via mySQL.
* Updated Spiders and Definitions
* You can now keep custom banned IPs, so they are not overwritten on each update. You need to create "statpress-reloaded-custom" in the plugins directory (it cannot be inside StatPress' own directory as this gets completely removed during an update!) and put your own "banips.dat" in there.
* This also works for the "spiders.dat" file.
* Fixed some problems with the localization
* Added a new meno option called "Unknown Agents" that will show you a list of all entries with a user-agent that is not covered by your local definition files. This makes it easier to look out for new spiders.
* In the overview section, the table of "Last spiders" now also tells you what page the spider was indexing.
* Big thanks for all the help and participation in the support forums! Most of the new features come from users, I just put them together. I'm thrilled to see the development of this plugin!
* This will, if no major problems or security leaks occur, hopefully be the last release of the 1.x-branch so far. StatPress Reloaded 2.x will be a nearly 100% rewrite and still take quite some time to finish. But it will be significantly faster and a lot easier to maintain for me.
*Version 1.5.2 (17.12.2008)*
* I wonder if I'll ever manage to release a bigger update without some remaining errors. Thanks for your quick reports, hopefully this is a stable release now for real.
*Version 1.5.3 (18.12.2008)*
* Small CSS bugfix
* Fixed some missing translation strings, updated POT file. Thanks, SimonBoba!
*Version 1.5.4 (19.12.2008)*
* Translation related fixes
*Version 1.5.5 (24.01.2009)*
* Not a update, only a "news broadcast". Sorry!
*Version 1.5.6 (31.01.2009)*
* DISTINCT search, thanks to rsramirez!
* Few smaller bigfixes.
*Version 1.5.7 (31.01.2009)*
* It is just not possible to release a bugfix-version without instantly bugfixing afterwards, I guess.
*Version 1.5.8 (03.02.2009)*
* Tiny GUI fix: "Overview and StatPress aren't doubling each other in the menu any longer.
* Spanish translations update, thanks a lot to nv1962!
* BAN-IPs can now be entered in the same format as Google Analytics uses: regular expressions. Thanks, mihu!
* ReadMe fixed, now again contains all the variables you can use.
*Version 1.5.9 (03.02.2009)*
* Tiny GUI fix partly reverted - caused another bug.
*Version 1.5.10 (05.02.2009)*
* Fixed error in german translation
* Updated Definitions (Big thanks to TheChrisD!)
*Version 1.5.11 (05.02.2009)*
* Only a small correction in the Readme, as there was some _really_ misleading detail in the Installation section.
* Updated Definitions
*Version 1.5.12 (23.02.2009)*
* Added addiotional options to the search limits
* Updated Definitions
*Version 1.5.13 (06.03.2009)*
* Croation translation, thx to Manja!
* Fixed calculation of monthly targets, thx to Martin Bergek!
* Added %pagesyesterday% to the placeholders
* Updated Definitions
*Version 1.5.14 (12.03.2009)*
* Finally thought of 2.7.1 compatibility
* Bulgarian translation
* Updated Definitions
*Version 1.5.16 (12.03.2009)*
* Fixed a bug with a placeholder
*Version 1.5.17 (07.04.2009)*
* Added Czech translation, thanks to Tomas and Dušan!
*Version 1.5.21 (10.05.2009)*
* Updated definitions
* Hopefully fixed the bug with the %browser%-placeholder for good
* Included a user-bugfix for displaying wrongly encoded characters
* The spy-page is now paginated. Spy as far back in time as you store your data. ;)
* Sorry for the long pause, I moved to a new place and only got reconnected to the net yesterday.