=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Sandeep Kumar Plugin Name: Word Highlighter Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/word-highlighter/ Tags: word highlighter,seo,seo highlights, seo word, keywords highlight, tag highlight Author URI: http://profiles.wordpress.org/phpsandeepkumar/ Author: Sandeep Kumar Donate link: (a link for donating) Requires at least: 2.0.0 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: This plugin allows you to highlight important word(s) on your posts or pages. Ability to change background color, foreground color for the highlighted word. Multiple words support. == Description == This plugin allows you to highlight important word(s) on your posts or pages. Ability to make it bold, italic, underline , change background color, foreground color for the highlighted word. Multiple words support. Importance Using different types of text decorations for keywords like making them bold, italicized or underlining them, gives emphasis to the words and makes them more important for the search engine splicers like google mostly. Using this plugins, you can go one step ahead to boast up your rankings for highlighted keywords in this tough competition world. Usage: Once activated, make sure to configure the plugin in the settings menu with the one of the available options. 1. Blod 2. Italic 3. Underline 4. Background Color 5. Foreground Color and finally, you're able to change css class '.wh_highlighted' but don't touch the class name itself. Notes: This plugin for WordPress, the publicly available If you experience any problems with the plugin, feel free to contact me. Please please please don't forgot to rate this plugin if you found it works and useful for your blog. == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the word-highlighter directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Enter words to be highlighted and Customize styling applied on them. == Upgrade Notice == == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot Available options under settings -> Word Highlighter menu. 2. Screenshot Highlighted words on front end post(s) or page view. == Changelog == == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why should i install this plugin? Will does it help my blog in SEO ? = Using this plugin you can gives emphasis to the cretins words which are more important to understand your posts and modern search engines loves it. = Can i highlights multiple words on my blog post or page ? = Yes, You can enter unlimited numbers of comma separated words to be highlighted on your blog posts or page, But please ensure that you don't overdo it, too much highlighted text means your text would be difficult to understand, and it would result in negative SEO. ****** NEVER DO THIS ******* = Can i highlights word(s) in post only, not for pages ? = Yes, under settings -> Word Highlighter menu, select "Apply to" option to Post Only. = Can i highlights word(s) in pages only, not for posts ? = Yes, under settings -> Word Highlighter menu, select "Apply to" option to Page Only. = Can i customize css applied on highlighted word(s) ? = Yes == Donations ==